Information for Invited Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Details for Keynote Speakers

Thanks for your participation in the Plenary Programme of EAGE Digital 2024.

Please carefully review the details on this page to prepare for your presentation.

For any further details please email us at

Invited Speaker Registration

All speakers need to be registered for the conference. As an invited speaker you can choose from the below options:

  • One-Day Registration: Complimentary
  • Full Conference Registration: Discounted Speaker Fee at € 650

Click here to complete your registration.

Keynote Presentation Format

Keynote presenters will each have 20 minutes for their presentation:

  • 1 minute Introduction
  • 19 minutes for Presentation
  • No Q&A

To update the title of your keynote presentation send an email to us at

Please use the conference PPT template to prepare your presentation.

Click here to download the Presentation Template (PPT).

Speaker Bio and Photo

Click here to upload your photo and short bio to be used for the online agenda and speaker introduction.

  • Slide presentations should be delivered via USB to the room technician on the morning of your presentation (available from 8:00 hrs).
  • You should arrive at the room 20 mins before the start of your session to arrange your mic setup with the in-room technician.
Panel Discussion Speakers

Details for Panel Discussion Speakers

Thanks for your participation in the Plenary Programme of EAGE Digital 2024.

Please carefully review the details on this page to prepare for your presentation.

For any further details please email us at

Invited Speaker Registration

All speakers need to be registered for the conference. As an invited speaker you can choose from the below options:

  • One-Day Registration: Complimentary
  • Full Conference (3-Days) Registration: Discounted speaker fee at € 650

Click here to complete your registration.

Panel Discussion Format
  • All Panel Discussions are scheduled for 60 minutes
  • The moderator will give each speaker 2 minutes for opening perspectives on the topic (PowerPoint presentation may NOT be used)
  • A list of preparatory questions and topics will be emailed closer to the conference date
  • The moderator may allow for questions from the audience
Speaker Bio and Photo

Click here to upload your photo and short bio to be used for the online agenda and speaker introduction.

  • You should arrive at the Plenary Room 30 mins before the start of your session to arrange your mic setup with the in-room technician.
Roundtable Discussion

Details for Roundtable Discussion Speakers

Thanks for your participation in the Strategic Programme of EAGE Digital 2024.

Please carefully review the details on this page to prepare for your presentation.

For any further details please email us at

Invited Speaker Registration

All speakers need to be registered for the conference. As an Invited Speaker, you can choose from the below options:

  • One-Day Registration: Complimentary
  • Full Conference (3-Days) Registration: Discounted speaker fee at € 650

Click here to complete your registration.

Roundtable Discussion Format
  • All Roundtable Discussions are scheduled for 50 minutes
  • The moderators will begin by introducing the topic and speakers.
  • Each speaker will have 5 minutes for opening perspectives on the topic (a PowerPoint presentation consisting of one (1) slide may be used).
  • Your moderator may have asked you to address a specific topic; send an email to if you need more information.
  • The remaining time will be used for a fast-paced interactive discussion.
  • Due to the interactive nature of the session, questions may come from the moderators, audience or other speakers.

Click here to download the Presentation Template (PPT).

Speaker Bio and Photo

Click here to upload your photo and short bio to be used for the online agenda and speaker introduction.

  • Slide presentations should be delivered via USB to the room technician on the morning of your presentation (available from 8:00).
  • You should arrive at the room 20 mins before the start of your session to arrange your mic setup with the in-room technician.
Dedicated Sessions

Dedicated Session Speakers

Thanks for your participation in the Plenary Programme of EAGE Digital 2024.

There are four (4) Dedicated Sessions as part of the conference:

  • Monday, 25 March 2024: Generative AI Hype or Reality?
  • Tuesday, 26 March 2024: Numerical physical simulations from HPC to physics-informed deep learning
  • Tuesday, 26 March 2024: Monitoring Technologies for New Energies
  • Wednesday, 27 March 2024: Integration and collaboration in digital data world

Please carefully review the details on this page to prepare for your presentation.

For any further details please email us at

Invited Speaker Registration

All speakers need to be registered for the conference. As an invited speaker you can choose from the below options:

  • One-Day Registration: Complimentary
  • Full Conference (3-Days) Registration: Discounted speaker fee at € 650

Click here to complete your registration.

Dedicated Session Format
  • There are four (4) Dedicated Sessions with varying formats.
  • More information about the format for each dedicated session will be shared with you soon.

Your moderator may have asked you to address a specific topic; send an email to if you need more information

Click here to download the Presentation Template (PPT).

Speaker Bio and Photo

Click here to upload your photo and short bio to be used for the online agenda and speaker introduction.

  • Slide presentations should be uploaded via this link: Click here to upload your presentation
  • Please use the following naming convention: LAST NAME_Paper Title.pptx, LAST NAME_Paper Title.pdf
  • You should arrive at the room 20 mins before the start of your session to arrange your mic setup with the in-room technician.
Travel and Other

Logistics and other details


Dominique Guérillot

President & CEO TERRA 3E

Prof. Dr Dominique Guérillot, former member of the Executive Committee of IFP and Program Director for the Upstream R&D of Saudi Aramco, he is focusing in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production including Unconventional, CO2 EOR and Carbon storage. After a PhD in Applied Mathematics, he joined IFP in 1982 in the Reservoir Engineering Dpt.

He started his career in the Exploration and Production sector developing Expert system for selecting EOR methods and Advanced Compositional Reservoir Simulators for EOR (CO2 and thermal methods).

In 1985, he began cooperating with geologists and he invented with the Paris School of Mines the first software package integrating reservoir characterization and flow simulations in porous media proposing innovative methods for upscaling absolute permeabilities.

After being the Director of the Geology and Geochemistry (95-01, in 2001, he became member of the Executive Committee of IFP and Managing Director of Exploration and Reservoir Engineering Centre with a total budget of 30 Millions of Euros. Consequently, IFP nominated him as board member of several Exploration and Production subsidiaries of IFP: Beicip-Franlab and RSI in France, IFP MEC in Bahrain, etc. He developed new strategic orientations for the business unit he was in charge modifying its business model to generate revenues based on royalties through the development of several strategic marketed software for IFP.

In 2009, he created a Young Innovative Company (YIC), Terra 3E, in Energy and Environment: developing innovative plug-ins in Petrel software among which the first tool for accurate calculations of fluids in place for gas and oil shales and upscaling transmissivities. From 2010 to 2013, he was senior expert for Petrobras, Brazil.

In 2012, he served the European Commission for selecting R&D projects on CO2 Storage. In 2013, Qatar Petroleum called Dominique Guérillot for developing their R&D Centre at the Qatar Sciences and Technology park in Doha, Qatar. He is currently full professor at Texas A&M University in their campus of Qatar.

He published more than 50 full and refereed papers, holds 5 patents, is member of the IJOGCT editorial team, the SPE and EAGE associations, is referee of the Oil & Gas Science and Technology (OGST), and member of the editorial board of the Petroleum Geoscience journal of the Geological Society.

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