1. [13:45-14:05] System based on generative adversarial neural networks (GAN) for obtaining acoustic seismograms from elastic seismograms. presented by S. Abreo (Universidad Industrial de Santander) Authors: D. Ramírez2, S. Abreo1, O. Reyes1, A. Ramírez1 (1 Universidad Industrial De Santander; 2 Woombat Consulting Group SAS) |
2. [14:05-14:25] Automatic first-break picking in seismic data with characteristics of the Middle Magdalena Valley in Colombia presented by S. Abreo (Universidad Industrial de Santander) Authors: S. Rincón2, O. Reyes3, S. Abreo1, O. Reyes1, A. Ramírez1 (1 Universidad Industrial De Santander; 2 Synopsys; 3 Universidad de Guanajuato) |
3. [14:25-14:45] Fully Convolutional network for resolution enhancement with non-synthetic seismic data presented by A. Ebitani (Japan Organization For Metals And Energy Security) Authors: A. Ebitani1, S. Ishinabe1 (1 Japan Organization For Metals And Energy Security) |
4. [14:45-15:05] Physics-Informed Neural Network for the Seismic Velocity Problem using Neural Tangent Kernels presented by J.D. Bohórquez López (Universidad Industrial de Santander) Authors: J.D. Bohórquez López1, A. Ramirez Silva1, S. Abreo1 (1 Universidad Industrial De Santander) |
5. [15:05-15:25] Recreating Exact SEG-Y File Copy with Original Checksum from Modern Non-SEG Seismic File Format presented by A. Landa (Technical Department of Troika Troika Intl.) Authors: F. Chen1, G.G. Servos1, K. Keim1, A. Landa2 (1 Ovation Data Services Inc; 2 Troika International) |